
Driving Technology

Customers in India have always been divided between the ones who chose traditional, proven, 'will work for sure' products and the ones who want products that are forward-looking, path-breaking, or simply ahead of its time.

Tough got going Innovatively

Burdened with depressed economy prevailing over past few years, low business scenario, paradigm shifts in customer expectations and new emission compliance regulations the CE and construction industry demonstrated their resilience by innovative solutions, in numerous aspects of the business

Large Miners Forward

While the global mining industry is on the decline, India is witnessing a reverse trend. Many international mining equipment manufacturers are showcasing their products at BAUMA 2016, Germany, in a big way, at a time when Coal India

Coal and iron ore will continue to be the growth drivers for large mining equipment.

Large mining equipment are primarily used with Coal India subsidiaries and some corporate mining companies viz, Vedanta, Reliance etc. A few mine developer-cum-operators (MDOs)

Sour CE Issue

Essentially, CE selection and procurement is a complex metrics-based decision making activity that requires active involvement of the concerned stakeholders of an organisation.